Regional Coordination

Welcome to the PM² Alliance Regional Pages

As a community-driven organization, the PM² Alliance encourages the activity of all its members wherever they are based. The PM² Alliance Regional pages provide the necessary space to PM² Alliance regional communities to foster the PM² Methodology as the open and free resource that it is, for whoever may need it in any country.

PM² Alliance Regional communities are collective networks that allow sharing experiences, events, news or  information that may be useful to the PM² community. These pages allow to channel and structure the dialogue within your local PM² Alliance community and with the overall PM² Alliance community. These pages are lead by the PM² Alliance Regional Coordinators, who are experienced PM² practitioners that will inspire, activate and organise your PM² Alliance regional community. PM² Alliance Regional Coordinators will also connect your regions activities with the rest of the PM² Alliance regional communities.

We are driven by the principles laid out in our PM² Manifesto for Europe and we are guided by our worthy mission and strong ethical compass.

The PM² Alliance’s regional coordination network provides structure and promotional support, it gives incentives and recognition to regional communities for their actions and achievements, it brings regional volunteers together and facilitates the cross-pollination of local strategies. Acting together consistently and persistently on our common vision, we can bring the benefits of the PM² Methodology to the wider community day by day, in small steps, all over Europe.

“To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.”

  • Visit a regional page to discover the PM² Alliance news and activities in your region.
  • Contact your Regional Coordinator and join a volunteers groups.

Want to become a PM² Alliance Regional Coordinator?