German Martinez Montes – The Open PM² Jean-Monnet Chair Initiative
Watch the presentation video from the 2020 PM² Alliance Conference.
Presentation Summary
To date, PM² Methodology has not been sufficiently disseminated in the European Union. The main objective of the Jean Monnet Chair is to enhance the value of the Open PM2 methodology and ensure that it is used by as many potential users as possible (students, young researchers, civil servants, and practitioners).
This is the reason why JM Chair is timing. JM Chair wants to play a crucial role in enabling the sharing of knowledge and experiences and fostering an appreciation of PM² as a common, open, and free language and methodology for Europe – and beyond.
Two annual intensive and training courses have been designed for two target groups: Students, young researchers and academics and practitioners, and the broader public.
Because of the cross nature of project management, students from different disciplines and at different educational levels will be able to participate in the training actions. This activity will prepare them for their professional future, establishing a bridge between the academic and the labour world.
One annual Open PM² Talk – Workshops will be organized, as a meeting point for all the target groups. Attendees will be able to share knowledge and specific needs. For these workshops, the best European professionals linked to PM² will take part.
The research will be carried out in order to analysis of strengths and weaknesses presented by the process of opening up the PM² Methodology.