Course Naming Guidelines

Naming your PM² Courses

Here you will find some information helping you to form the title of your training course, for the purposes of its advertising and promotion, and consequently for the Accreditation of your company.

This page gives further clarification relating to the naming of your training courses and services. Your application for accreditation is concurrent with the authorisation to use of the course names proposed.

When deciding how to name your courses, you should consider the following:

Questions & Answers:

  1. Q: Can the word Certification be part of the course name, for example, PM² Foundation Certification Training?

    A: No. Whereas the Training Providers offer the training, the certification process is completely separate and is owned by PM² Center as the Certification Authority. Whereas Courses accredited by the PM² Alliance may be a pre-requisite for the certification, they do not directly result in a certification but help candidates prepare for the examination leading to certification.

  2. Q: Can I use the Names and Logos of the various Certification levels in the course name?

    A: Yes. Certification names are appropriate for courses leading to the different certification exams, for example “Preparation Training on PM² Expert Certification” with the use of the Certification’s logo are accepted.

  3. Q: Can I use the words Accredited or Accreditation in the course name, for example, Accredited PM² Training or PM² Accreditation Training?

    A: No. Accreditation applies to courses and products in general; it does not apply to individuals. Accredited courses should use the PM² Alliance’s ATP’s Logo.

  4. Q: Can I use "The Open PM²" in the course name or to describe the PM² Methodology?

    A: No. The “OpenPM²” was the EC’s 2016 initiative which made the PM² available to everyone beyond the EU institutions. The OpenPM² as a term doesn’t reflect to any of the methodology’s attributes nor represents any expertise/certification level.