A love letter from a PM² Alliance member
As soon as I was introduced to the PM² Methodology two years ago, I realized its value and usefulness for all of us involved in project management.
The PM² Project Management Methodology helps project teams solve problems that users, stakeholders, or organization face and allows them to do “better’ project management, towards a non-ending journey to improvement.
It also enables organizations to implement their projects in an increasingly effective and efficient manner.
I’m in love with the PM² Methodology and here are the 10 reasons why:
- It’s a European Project Management Methodology. As a convinced Europeanist, I’m happy and proud to see PM² being established as a common project management methodology for all EU-funded projects, for all European Institutions, for the whole of Europe and beyond.
- It’s open-source and, therefore, free to use and reproduce anyway I need to. The PM² Guide and the artefacts are available to be downloaded, copied, changed and freely used. Reproduction and reuse are encouraged.
- It is comprehensive and concise. It includes all the necessary elements to address the methodology needs of the European Institutions, public administrations and private sector companies.
- It is light, lean and easy to understand. It focuses on the essentials without trying to be an encyclopedia of project management. It explains project management and helps you implement it in a simple and visual way.
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- It is significantly flexible. The methodology is designed to be at the service of the project and not vice versa. It is possible to tailor it to cover the needs of different projects and organisations to ensure that it adds value and not bureaucracy. And if you need more project or industry-specific processes or practices, you can easily incorporate them.
- Its powerful project governance model clearly defines the different roles and responsibilities so they can be uniquely assigned to team members avoiding potential conflicts and decision-making inefficiencies.
- It provides a common language for all those who work in project management. When we all understand and share the same concepts, we can focus on the actual work.
- The PM² Alliance provides a fairly priced certification scheme. Now anyone can certify their knowledge of the methodology by pursuing one of the PM² Alliance online certifications.
- It incorporates many globally recognized good practices, while elements of other international project management standards or frameworks can be easily integrated without conflicts.
- It is based 100% on common sense and it’s usable from the first moment by any person and by any organization. Written in a friendly and a non-intimidating language, the guidelines, the templates and the methodology guide itself, allow project teams to start applying it progressively and quickly.
The PM² Alliance contributes significantly to the Open PM² vision, constantly disseminating and evolving PM² and taking it to places “where no PM² has been before” and helping achieving the goal of implementing better project management across Europe.
Looking for more information?
If you have questions about PM², visit the PM² Alliance website or ask in the comments.
If you want to view the PM² Guide and all relevant materials, visit the PM² Alliance publications page.